Let’s say a Prayer for Kermit Gosnell

From: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=65361a4a899c736f66ed8fb13&id=29520ab47f&e=5b82cb4901

Dear Supporters

We wanted you to be the first to know about our shocking jailhouse interview with Kermit Gosnell – America’s biggest serial killer.

We have just come back from Pennsylvania where we were the first journalists to sit down in prison to interview Gosnell. The two hours we spent interviewing the former abortion doctor were two of the most disturbing hours of our journalistic careers.

Gosnell who is serving life without parole at Huntingdon prison is thought to have murdered hundreds if not thousands of babies in a 30 year killing spree. He would sever the baby’s spinal cords with a pair of scissors but when we spoke to him he showed no remorse, believes he is a martyr and will be released soon.

The interview was one of the creepiest we have ever conducted and you can hear all about it when Ann is interviewed on the Dana Loesch show on The Blaze at 6 pm EST.

Even though I think abortion is wrong, I feel bad for Kermit Gosnell. I’m sure he thinks he’s a martyr because he’s probably reasoned to himself that those kids would have grown up to be mostly bad people. I understand the position and condemn abortion more on metaphysical grounds than on practical ones and this means I don’t bear any anger towards most abortion doctors. I don’t think they commit their acts out of ill will and I think that makes them forgivable sinners in God’s eyes. Gosnell will obviously not be freed and is still coping with what’s happened to him.

So let’s say a prayer for this poor, confused man whose soul still has many trials ahead.

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